Myriota Battery Life Case Study: AgTech

Battery Life

Monitoring Long-Term Water Usage on Farms with satellite IoT

Battery life for a Myriota-enabled water tank monitor lasts 5+ years,  saves a farmer over 1.5 million dollars, and reduces CO2 emissions by 69 tonnes.

Myriota Certified Water Tank Monitor Benefits

The management and optimisation of on-farm water use is one of Australian agriculture’s biggest challenges. Globally, the need for freshwater for food production is expected to increase by as much as 60 percent, making water management the most essential tool for today’s global farmers.

Myriota and Goanna Ag developed cutting-edge technology that unlocks the power of remote water tank monitoring – GoTankSat™.

Goanna Ag has provided remote sensing solutions for Australian farmers for over 15 years. Based in Goondiwindi, Queensland, Goanna Ag is committed to helping farmers understand and optimise water use right across their farms, efficiently and cost-effectively. The company delivers an integrated solution from sensor devices, installation and connectivity, to analytics and app presentation.

At Goanna Ag, we have a deep understanding of the agricultural industry at large and the needs of individual farmers. We’re committed to helping farmers gain a better understanding of the challenges they encounter on a daily basis and increasing results in crop yields.

Alicia Garden, CEO, Goanna Ag

The challenge

In the past decade, remote monitoring has emerged as a far more efficient approach. But the relatively high cost of hardware and communications, changes in connectivity, less than robust sensors, and a lack of field support has prevented widespread adoption.

The solution

Myriota’s Module technology offers unprecedented battery life, scalability, strong cryptographic security, and affordability – an ideal fit for farmers looking to receive critical data and updates from anywhere on their farm, no matter how large or remote it may be. Myriota’s low-power IoT technology and satellite connectivity ensure the secure and reliable transfer of data via the Myriota Network of nanosatellites.

The cost savings

Let’s explore the cost savings a farmer can experience with estimated data from one of Goanna Ag’s farm owner partners. At $685 (USD) per sensor, the data cost for 500 sensors deployed across your farmland would cost roughly $5,475 over 12 months. The total cost of ownership equates to $347,975. Factoring in the total cost of the existing solution against the total cost of ownership, this particular farm owner saved $276,525.

“Myriota has provided the platform for our partners to create IoT solutions that will generate efficiencies across agriculture, one of the world’s most vital industries. We are proud to see that our efforts with Goanna Ag are manifesting in technology that can save agricultural property managers hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.”

Alex Grant, CEO and Co-founder, Myriota

Across a farm utilising a Myriota Certified Goanna Ag water tank monitor, each battery supported a heavy workload average of 5.6 years. Alicia Garden, CEO of Goanna Ag said “Rainfall is the fundamental driver of agricultural production, and while we can’t make it rain more, the long battery life that Myriota’s technology provides is bringing confidence to all our farming users.” 

To purchase GoTankSat™ or to learn more, please visit:

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For the Goanna Ag GoTankSat Myriota supplied:

Goanna Ag supplied:

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